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posted by: on 4/16/2019

We are facing impossible difficulties. Pray God will help us Himself in all areas of life AND to overcome what we are facing with grace given to us, and help us to trust Jesus without fear or doubt and to bring some people into our lives who help us quickly, and for peace, health and protection
I will pray 26 people are praying.
posted by: Seth on 4/11/2019

I’m in my last semester before getting my bachelor’s degree in business. I have some financial issues, where I have a thousand dollars remaining to pay for the dorms. If I get my tax returns early enough, I will be able to pay it, graduate, and walk. If not, I’m not sure. I’ve waited many years for this, and it is very important. Please pray that God will arrange for me to be able to walk. Pray that the costs will be covered, and that I will finish very well in my final classes. Also, please pray for clear plans for the future, in terms of where to live, and employment. Thanks for your prayers.
I will pray 25 people are praying.
Struggling big time..
posted by: Rich on 3/22/2019

In desperate need of prayer.. I've been struggling mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Struggling to read the Bible and pray. Going through major difficulties. I have been and my relationship with Jesus has been so extremely out of "whack" within these last few weeks and have been feeling so confused and lost. Really in need of guidance and direction, and especially your prayers. Please, please pray for me.
I will pray 18 people are praying.
Please pray for my son who is incarcerated have been off and on since age 13 he is now 33.
posted by: Charlene Morgan on 2/10/2019

710 Overlook Drive
I will pray 23 people are praying.
Financial Miracle, Wisdom, Provision, and Employment NEEDED!!!
posted by: Richard on 1/3/2019

Please pray as I am in desperate need of some major financial miracles and have some unfortunate debt that I need to take care of ASAP! I also have been applying for numerous jobs and have been praying for God to close the doors He wants closed, but to open the doors that He wants open. Please pray for wisdom, major provision, and clarity for me as well. Thank you and God bless you!
I will pray 21 people are praying.
marriage restoration
posted by: rentsamo on 12/29/2018

Please pray for my marriage restoration.Me and my wife are living seperately for 4 and half years.I have tried to bring her back in my life but she is not willing to come back.I am so scarred and worried and i don't know what to do.We don't communicate at all.I love her so much.Our marriage is on a brink of a break.Please pray for my wife so that Jesus can touch her heart.Thank you.I am from India,Nagaland
I will pray 18 people are praying.
Prayer Request
posted by: Michelle on 11/2/2018

Please pray for those who are sexually assaulting me and doing things to me in a manner that when I report it I cam called insane.
I will pray 20 people are praying.
posted by: nn j on 10/28/2018

please pray for Damianus aditya christie and myself. I have been waiting for reconciliation and to forgive each other, peaces for me and him, I have been struggling with pain. You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, in suffering and disappointments. I come with a broken heart, my life is ruin, nothing gonna be the same again. please pity me Father, please soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can't touch his heart, i know that prayer is a powerful thing. Without Your graces, we cannot accomplish anything. only God can change people's hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. and if You don't want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you
I will pray 17 people are praying.
At a crossroads.
posted by: Richard on 10/28/2018

I'm currently at a "crossroads" in my life right now and I need to make a very important decision by this coming weekend: 11/02/2018. Please, please cover me in prayer. I am REALLY needing clarity, truth, wisdom, confirmation, peace; really wanting GOD'S plan for my life, not mine. Thank you and God bless you!
I will pray 17 people are praying.
posted by: Ruben on 7/16/2018

Please ask God to provide for Ruben's family in Joliet, IL. I will be unemployed Aug. 15 with out insurance and my wife is pregnant with our 4th child who is due on Christmas. Also, please pray for a healthy pregnancy. I have interviewed for a college admissions recruiter position and waiting for the word. Please ask God our Father to provide for us this position or any other position in order for me to provide fory family's needs. Thank you
I will pray 20 people are praying.
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