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posted by: nn j on 4/13/2018

please intervene God. I'm hurt inside, i am so tired to cover everything by pretending and no matter how hard I pray nothing seems to be working, please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for me and him, I have been struggling with pain for the past 3 years. I know You knows my pain God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, Father you say, knock and the door will be opened to you. I come with a broken heart, I feel hopeless and emptyness. i depend on you and still hope, if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me, He means a lot to me. I really love him and disappointed to him at the same time. I can't touch his heart, only God can change people's hearts. i know that prayer is a powerful thing, please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. if you do not want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful when the hardest one, teach me to love You more than anything. I really need a miracle, thank you
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personal prayer
posted by: brenda morris on 4/5/2018

please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray that my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own
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posted by: sathish on 4/2/2018

Heal my head ache.
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Prayer Request
posted by: on 3/25/2018

I ask if you would pray for my family. We have just moved to Pennsylvania from New Jersey. We have been doing applications after applications, interviews after interviews and still no employment. We have been in this state for a month and are getting overwhelmed with searching. We had jobs waiting for us before we moved here and it just seemed like once we moved here we had to start all over even though all we needed to do was a background check before starting employment. I just pray for a speedy process I’ve been out of work since March 11, 2018 and it feels like forever. I hope nothing but good comes my way. Thank you and have a bless day.
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posted by: kelly johnston on 3/6/2018

I am desperate to receive prayer for healing. I have depression and anxiety due to a sickness that I cannot find a solution to. My ears are clogged and painful, and I have extreme pressure headaches. I had a sinus surgery to try to correct the issue and now have extreme dryness in my nose, stuffed up feeling, along with pressure and worsened headaches I also have jaw and teeth pain, along with unfocused vision and neck pain.I have a also lost my ability to taste and smell as a result. I have lost a lot of weight b/c of this and basically lay in bed all day bc of the pain. Please pray for healing for me. Thanks, Kelly
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Marriage Matters
posted by: George Smith on 2/26/2018

I am writing to churches in all 50 states, I am asking the country to pray for my wife.   Greetings from Pensacola Florida, my name is George Smith, I am writing to you in regards to Marriage Matters, on November 6th 2017, I have been married to Rachel for 22 years, we have 4 children. I will get to the point, In Feb.2016 Rachel left and moved to Oregon, Rachel is/was a GOD fearing lady who read the Bible to my kids daily, made sure they were at Sunday school and church even when work keep me from being there, she helped on the bus ministry, nursery, awanas, and the list goes on, it is my belief that if the devil can get to Rachel no one is exempt, I am no preacher or have any claim of ever being one, I am a man who is looking for a few good men, women/churches that will stand in the gap and pray 1st for Rachel to be restored to GOD, then to ask GOD to open our eyes as a nation and value marriage as GOD does. In Mal ‪2:16 ‬GOD is clear that he hates divorce, Mar 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." I know that there are a couple reasons for divorce, but Jesus said it was not that way in the beginning. (Mat 19:8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.) Every 36 seconds a divorce is filed in our country, (heart breaking). I can not find anywhere that GOD commands divorce but over and over he commands us to forgive, I am choosing to forgive as Jesus has forgiven me, I believe if we can find a few good husbands, a few good dad’s, mom’s and some preachers that will put on the full armor of GOD daily and tell satan NO MORE will we allow him to take our families, NO MORE can you have our communities, tell him to GET OUT of our homes, we can take back what he has stolen, our country is falling apart and is not what it should be, God says in (2Ch ‪7:14‬ if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land) Our children need to see some dad’s fall on their face and cry out to GOD, our wives needs to know that she has a husband that will lay down his life for hers without hesitating as Jesus did for us, she needs to know that he will follow GOD even when it is not the popular thing to do, If we want to see a change in our homes communities, in our states, in our country and in the world we live, it starts in our homes, I will not surrender my wife my kids to satan he is in for a fight and he that is in me is GREATER than he that is in the world, Please take my name and info and share it with anyone who will take a stand with me and pray on a regular basis, and ask GOD for my wife (Rachel) to have a Damascus road experience and for prodicals everywhere to have the same experience, help me fight for not only my marriage but yours as well. The day is coming when I will travel from church to church telling what GOD has done not only for me but others.  “MARRIAGE MATTERS” In the Name above every Name JESUS George Smith Isaiah 41:10 ‪423.661.5561 ‬ ‪george.smith0114@gmail.com‬
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Prayer Request
posted by: Angela H on 2/9/2018

Please pray for my husband James the he would put the Lord first and honor our marriage. That he would put the Lord first in our finances. Pray that the Lord, would bless my husband’s work. that he would be diligent and prosperous and given favor both with the Lord and man. That he would be the head and not the tail. That everything he does prospers.Pray that no weapon formed against us would prosper.. That the Lord would give him wisdom and discernment. Pray that the Lord would give him strength to walk into opportunities he provides. That the Lord, would infuse his character with courage for daily decisions and heal the past wounds of my husband’s heart. Pray the Lord would guide my husband as the leader of our home.help my husband’s parenting to reflect Jesus Christ to our children. May his leadership skills be empowered by the mind of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord would lead my husbands hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home, community and church. Also please pray a guard over his heart, mouth and mind, Jesus. Also to protect him from temptation and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lastly pray for him to have encouraging and godly friendships. Break any soul times or relationships that are not from the Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
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prayer request
posted by: William Walker on 1/21/2018

Dear friends in Christ: Please pray for me and my mother Nancy
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Eviction and, sickness
posted by: Quiana on 1/21/2018

Hello, I am requesting prayer for my health I have Rhemothid Arthritis really bad. It’s painful and, it keeps getting worse. It prevents me from being able to go to work a lot. I am about to get evicted and, my car repossessed because I can’t keep up with the pymts. My mom and, sister has helped as much as they can. I am asking for prayer for the sickness so I’m able to work and, prayer too not get evicted or my car taken. I don’t have anywhere to go. When I get paid all my money goes to bills. I am 3mths behind on rent. They are threatening to take me to court. I applied for financial assistance and, nothing is happening. I appreciate all the prayers. I am going to try fasting and, prayer. I go to church as well. Thank you. God bless.
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Prayer for Reconcilation and a chance a real love!!!
posted by: anonymous on 12/28/2017

My beloved and most loved best friend has pushed me away due to a misunderstanding!! We met nearly 2 years ago in recovery and it was love at first sight!! Yet our relationship never had the chance to reach fruition due to jealous people that surround us both and a third party whom is very manipulative and controlling with her. God knows how I've prayed for her to see the truth in her heart THAT WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!!! Not just now but forever and always!! Yet the pain right now that we both are enduring because we are apart is so unbearable I can barely get through the day!! I see her face in every flower, her eyes in the stars above!! What the good lord has brought together let no man put asunder. All I ask is for a small miracle here, anything??? Just to open up the lines of communication between us once again and for us to finally be together and have our happy ever after love story. My aching heart burns for her now. Please, please please who ever reads these lines ask the good lord to unite us so we can finally walk into love as intended by God!! thank you!!!
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