From the Pastor
"Moving in 3D Ministry and E4 Operation"
I greet you in the name of He who orders our steps, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Reconstruction implies that something is in need of repair, renovation or replacement. Every believer at various times must engage the principle of Reconstruction. It is not only an intitial salvific transformation that occurs at the point of our salvation. But it is a constant, and consistent theme of the life of the believer.
2018 Has been designated the Year of Reconstruction. We are reconstructing our individual lives to be made in the image of our Christ. We are reconstructing our fellowship to become more engaging, more inspiring, more educational, more spiritual, more relevant, and more focused on completing the assignment God has given us to be a "community Church".
We believe that "Kingdom Ministry Revealing the Will of God", translates into our new mission statement of "Moving People from Where They are to Where God Wants Them to Be" (Romans 12:1-2) It is in this light,and through our theme texts Jeremiah 1-10; 2Cor. 5:17 that we will accomplish the heavy lifting of Personal, Congregational, and Community Reconstruction. My prayer is that if you are connected to "The U", you have begun digging your foundation, and pouring the concretized Word of God into your lives so that He may Reconstruct you into the building of God that you were designed to be. For those of you visiting our website, we honor you, and hope that we see you soon at one of our worship esperiences. We would love to see you, and would be greatly blessed if you would become connected to us through membership. God is doing a new thing at "The U', and YOU should be a part of it!
I pray God's richest blessings upon each of you, and may His peace continue to pass all of your understanding, as you keep you hearts and minds stayed on Him... Shalom!
In His Service,
Pastor Benjamin T. Hailey Sr
Senior Pastor